Python ffmpeg convert video. , Win10) Download “release full” build.
Python ffmpeg convert video. I want to extract video frames and save them as image.
- Python ffmpeg convert video yuv'] # execute command in "shell" process = Popen(cmd, shell=True) Explaination in code comment. ffmpeg -framerate 1/6 -pattern_type glob -i "*. Share. mp4', ss = '00:32:40', vframes = 50, pix_fmt = 'gray') >>> # fs: frame rate in frames/second, F: and manipulate multimedia data to Python. com. mp4 file into a . It took me 5 minutes to convert a 1:20:00 long video. mp4 import os import boto3 import ffmpeg from os import path, makedirs downloadFolder = 'D:'+os. mp4, so I decided to try and program a solution in python. mkv files that I'm trying to convert to . Conclusion By combining yt-dlp and FFmpeg, you can easily automate the process of downloading YouTube videos and converting them into high-quality MP3 files with minimal effort. Then type in environment variables in start menu, add this path to the variable named PATH and save. vob or similar, but that didn't work for me. Once requested, a python generator is used to stream the results of a very crude subprocess which cats a video file into the ffmpeg docker container for muxing and returns the results in a pipe. I use the python imageio package to convert a . Skip to content. get_meta_data()['fps'] writer = imageio. popen3("ffmpeg -i test. , to split the video into individual frames. webm files to one . For me that was the best way to convert it. ts file. How to convert video to `m4v` with `ffmpeg`? 21. ffmpeg-i input_video. However when I enter the If you want to play each frame for 6 seconds use -framerate 1/6. e. Clone the repo and move into the main repo directory. Now my problem is I have 100 mp4 files in the "inputdir" folder and I read the file one by 1 and convert it, then I want to save the file with the same name as mp4 file names but with different extension(in my case . A user-friendly Video Converter based on FFMPEG and written in Python/PyQt5. Output file #0 does not contain any stream Here is the full Log First install ffmpeg using the following command: sudo apt install ffmpeg. Often, with FFmpeg you can try doing cat *. I went through the documentation and found functions avcodec_encode_audio and avcodec_encode_video but It is a very easy Task using ffmpeg with python subprocess and there is a reason why people are pointing to this solution as a good solution. Give it a go! If you want to convert your video how can i convert a video to images using ffmpeg? Example am having a video with total duration 60 seconds. I use heroku to host my website, and store my static and media files on amazon S3 with s3boto. Attached below is my python ROS subscriber code. Even a mp4 video can be converted to any of the audio formats. import os os. Compress video files by Python and FFmpeg Tools. But how can we do the exact reverse thing? I. I figured out how to use ffmpeg to convert the videos to the format I want, but what I haven't been able to figure out is how to copy the metadata. Hot Network Questions Determine two ellipses common tangent ffmpeg -i <input> -acodec aac -strict -2 -b:a <audio bitrate> -profile baseline -s <widthxheight> -b:v <video bitrate> -pass 1 output. Also, -loop 1 is not required unless you want the files to all finish encoding once and then start over at the beginning. libx265 is a video codec that uses the H. - GitHub - Dev-wael1/media-converter: A Python-based media converter that uses FFmpeg to convert video and audio files between various formats, such as MKV, MP4, MP3, and more. I have a lot of . video = ffmpeg. The output audio will be encoded with the given audio bitrate. , Win10) Download “release full” build. It serves HTML, which contains a video tag requesting video. 1 ffmpeg -i vid. Convert . out, _ = ( ffmpeg. The list of all the available postprocessors can be found here. Is there a way to read the filetype (webm/mp4) first and then run a code that converts it to a mp3 file? Use postprocessors argument. But I want to do it in Python. mp4 To apply this to a whole folder of mp4 files: I am trying to find some way for converting GIF to mp4 using Python or library. One of the most common tasks is converting a video file from one format to another. import subprocess c = 'ffmpeg -y -i ' + video_input_path + ' -r 30 -s 112x112 -c:v libx264 -b:v 3M -strict -2 -movflags faststart '+video_output_path subprocess. mp4 -vcodec libx265 -crf 28 output. output('output. Another way we can impact quality is to VideoC-Af is a simple Python based video converter based on top of FFMpeg Multimedia Framework for converting video files from one format to another. mp4 A simple Python script to convert . Find and fix vulnerabilities Actions. Here, -i stands for input, which tells FFmpeg to grab the file you want to convert, in Below is a small python webapp. It was taking me 10 to 20 seconds to convert one chunk of 5 seconds using: ffmpeg -i {input} -qscale 0 copy {output} Now it takes less than a second per chunk. I didn't found any solution for it. exe being in the PATH and every installation step followed. The first script is essentially the same as your question's code except I implemented a simple image creation that just creates images going from black to red. mp4' output_file = 'output. mkv And I want to convert it to ffmpeg-python code in Python. 7282. ffmpeg -i vid. I get the same issue (could not find corresponding trex) trying the streaming method. mp4 file video_clip = VideoFileClip(mp4_file) audio_clip = video_clip. editor import * #here are the names of my files (I have subbed out actual files names) mp4_file = "file_name. While this answer is quite late, I just ran into this the other day. Optional and it is used to mention a particular audio bitrate. webm and convert the video to a VP9 codec (-c:v vp9) with a bit rate of 1M/s (-b:v), all bundled up in a Matroska container (output. We have searched but not found any proper solution. mp4-b:a 192 K-vn output_audio. ffmpeg -i ios. I seem to be losing frames when I clip videos up with ffmpeg. I've tried running ffmpeg using the -map_meta_data 0:0 option, but that didn't seem to work. I'd like to copy the original metadata from when the video was taken (most importantly the creation time). Here's how you can do it: . But when we try to convert video from . m3u8", format="hls", start_number=0, hls_time=10, hls_list_size=0 ) output. system("ffmpeg -f image2 -r 1/5 -i . H. You might want to extract the audio from a video file. Converting video into frames by openCV. It uses the FFmpeg multimedia framework for actual file processing, and adds an easy-to-use API for probing and converting media Here's a simple example of converting a video file: This command takes an input file (input. Make sure FFMPEG is added to your system PATH or else call by its path i. Here’s how you can do it: import ffmpeg. output( video, filename=f"{base_path}{uuid}. Additionally, it provides the capability to implement DRM for HLS packaging. I don't want to use CLI, I just want to know if I can use ffmpeg as a library and call a function to convert a file from one format to another. Platform PyAV aims to provide a complete and native interface to FFmpeg’s video/audio processing abilities. FFmpeg is known for its powerful filtering capabilities. input (input_file). Videos educate us and provide the necessary information. FFmpeg is a powerful tool for video editing. index("Duration: ") duration = out[dp 📼 Python FFmpeg - Video Streaming This package utilizes FFmpeg to bundle media content for online streaming, including DASH and HLS. Steps. srt" \ -i "subs/fr/fr_srt_sub" \ -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map 1:0 -map 2:0 \ -c:v copy -c:a copy \ -c:s srt -c:s srt \ -metadata:s:s:0 language=en -metadata:s:s:0 title=English \ -metadata:s:s:1 language=fr Welcome to Video to Image Converter (such a generic name i know). Firstly, pip install ffmpeg-python and install FFmpeg. get_writer(dst_dir, fps=fps) for im in reader: I summarize here the results of converting from webm to mp4 using the many command line options suggested. mov files to . ffmpeg-python provides a more convenient and The full code can be found through this GitHub page. call(c, shell=True) ffmpeg-python extract a specific video stream, change its FPS and embed it back in the video while using `cv2` when converting video to frames? 0. mp3 #Here is the the audio being stripped from the . mp4 -b:a 192K -vn music. In this tutorial, I’ll introduce you to a simple Python script that can batch-convert AVI video files to MP4 format. wav output_audio. ffmpeg -i input. Probe media file information. ts format generating 0B . – How can I convert a mp4 or mpeg4 file to mp3 using python? I have looked at several libraries without success. avi' ffmpeg. mp4 to . 📚 Programming Books & Merch 📚🐍 The Python Bible Book: https The Automated Video Processing. > [Commands Excuting from Terminal]. I had all the files I wanted in a all. Related. mp4 A Python-based media converter that uses FFmpeg to convert video and audio files between various formats, such as MKV, MP4, MP3, and more. VOB >out. mp3 or. mp4 output_audio. webm. import imageio. input_file = 'input. The ffmpeg-python library allows you to execute FFmpeg commands directly from your Python scripts. py Make sure there are not spaces in the file path's of How would one go about losslessly converting . mov to . To reduce conversion time, try the different presets made available by ffmpeg for libx264. mkv file extension. Telegram bot convert mp4 to mp3. mp3. Instant dev environments Convert video to numpy array. you can use ffmpeg to convert the video to sgi images using this ffmpeg command. Supports a user callback whenever FFmpeg updates its progress information file (see -progress FFmpeg option) Today, we’re going to delve into an interesting application of the fabulous FFmpeg tool using Python: converting video files into audio. To cut video or audio into clips, run run_VAE_Video_01Clip. mp4 filename. How to convert m4v and wmv videos to mp4 format using ffmpeg? 3. The output format, in case of an MKV video container is format='matroska'. I had to use jpg encoding instead of png because image2pipe with png doesn't work on my verision of ffmpeg. mp4') . To merge video or audio clips, run run_VAE_Video_02Merge. This blog delves into converting MKV (Matroska) files to MP4 format using a Python script that interfaces with FFmpeg on macOS. mp4") Convert Video to Frames in Python - 1 FPS. How to Convert MP4 Video File to F4V Using I am trying to add multiple subtitles (not burned) to a video file with ffmpeg-python. How to set fps for extracting frames I have tried with ffmpeg library and I can convert videos mp4 to hls with multiple quality but multiple audio is not working. With this program, you can convert a video to frames as many as you like! No more screenshot spamming the video!. Vamos converter os vídeos para os codecs H264 Preparation: configure ffmpeg. ffmpeg -i {input} -vcodec copy {output} I am writing a script in python that appends multiple . Here are the steps I take: [Get the Frame number to cut on] -> [turn the frame number into hh:mm:ss. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Mp3 files that downloaded using pytube cannot edit mp3 tags properly. output ('output. video. Whether you're using the command line or automating the task with Python, FFmpeg provides a reliable and efficient way to get high-quality results. Here's a simple example of converting a video file: import ffmpeg (ffmpeg . This approach offers flexibility and power over web-based solutions, making it ideal for developers and power users who want to ffmpeg -i filename. run() This example demonstrates how ffmpeg-python builds the FFmpeg command behind the scenes and runs it, providing a simpler and more Pythonic interface. now one way to process your files from python is to launch ffmpeg as a subprocess and providing the command you want executed by ffmpeg: import Abdeladim Fadheli · 3 min read · Updated may 2024 · Python for Multimedia Struggling with multiple programming languages? No worries. Currently is under early development so only MP4, WEBM & MP3 are supported. read ('myvideo. Extract Speech Text from the Video To extract speech text from video in Python, we require the follo ffmpeg -i all. About; Products Python extract wav from video file. 8. mp4 video to a . call. ffmpeg-i input_audio. mp4 Create the matte video. In this article, we will learn how to extract text speech from video using Python. Note: Assuming ffmpeg is in your path, you can generate a test video to try this example using: ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc=duration=10:size=1280x720:rate=30 testsrc. To install ffmpeg-python, run: pip install The process involves installing FFmpeg, defining a function in Python to run the FFmpeg command, and then executing that function to convert a video file to an MP3 file. wav). I Integrating FFmpeg's powerful media manipulation capabilities into your Python code becomes easy with the “ffmpeg-python” library. g. We assume here that if you're asking this question, then you're forced to use webm because the Android device emulator within Android Studio generated it for you, and you're on a Mac so you'd really like to use iMovie to edit the video. mp3 file #This imports the moviepy package from moviepy. mp4','video. stackexchange. com or video. It is a more efficient and advanced codec than its predecessor, H. , having a set of JPEGs, how to build a video stream using ffmpeg-python API? How to convert video on python to . 264/AAC) video encoded for the HTML5 <video> element. You can apply various filters to your video files using Python-FFmpeg. Converting a Video File . The library can convert video files into different formats, decode videos for frame-by-frame processing, recorder = RecordRTC(stream, {type: 'video',mimeType: 'video/mp4'}); We have checked the uploaded file and played on multiple browsers and multiple devices and it's playing video properly. sgi '4' in _%04d with the number of digits you want for sequential image file naming. run()) Applying Filters. - melihteke/moviepy-mov2mp4 I want to convert a mp4 video file to mp3/wav audio using python ffmpeg or moviepy. Stack Overflow. Users can seamlessly transform video files by understanding and utilizing this script while maintaining quality and compatibility. avi video, keeping the fps and size same. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Now I want to take a video and save it's frames as separate files at some fps. mp3 file. avi" reader = imageio. You can also prefer ffmpeg over avconv setting prefer_ffmpeg to True. >>> # read 50 video frames at t=00:32:40 then convert to grayscale >>> fs, F = ffmpegio. Now that you have everything installed, let's start with some basic FFmpeg commands. webm vid-1. 264, which means it can achieve higher compression ratios while maintaining the same level of visual quality. Our Code Converter has got you covered. mp4 with Python? Every ffmpeg wrapper I've tried has not worked despite both the ffmpeg bin and . mp4 and keep alpha channel It is quite useful to be able to split a video stream onto a bunch of JPEGs (or whatever). mp4'). You don't have to set the format, because FFmpeg automatically selects the output format by the . Currently I can get it to work at full resolution using this piece of code. If I don't make a mistake, Safari currently need MP4 (H. > [ Want to know is this the right way? to do with Django? This will copy the audio (-c:a copy) from input. I want images between different set of duration like between 2-6 seconds, then between 15-24 seconds and so on. py (newer - only tested with py3) Sets up a subprocess pipe to ffmpeg and pipes images to stdin which are then written to video container by ffmpeg at the directed output location. You can chain multiple commands One of the most common tasks is converting a video file from one format to another. mp4 without ffmpeg? 0 I am trying to convert an video mp4 file to Audio mp3 format by using MoviePy module but it is showing me Nonetype error Below are my code and I am trying to convert mp4 file to wav with some parameter change, like I am changing its frequency and so on. mp4 Followed by same command but pass set to 2 The above is sufficient to create videos. FFmpeg is a free, open-source tool capable of handling a I want to extract video frames and save them as image. I have two folders. run() converting the audio / video using FFmpeg . ms format] -> [Run ffmpeg process] Nowadays, videos have become an integral part of our lives. Extract the contents in the ZIP file to a folder of your choice. Each ffmpeg argument is commented to describe why it What i want to do is generate a video file(mp4 or mkv format) with ffmpeg from the receiving frames simultaneously without saving images on storage. Probe the configuration of video by function ffmpeg. I'm new to ffmpeg and I was trying to find out how to convert a audio or video file from one format to another. ffmpeg. (User variables -> Path -> New and add) Python downloader for saving m3u8 video to local MP4 file. sep+ This is a way to use ffmpeg in a python script, e. For instance, the -preset ultrafast setting gives the fastest speed, by sacrifices the compression, so you will get bigger file size than if you don't use any preset (the default is -preset medium). mp4') Nessa aula você vai aprender a converter vários vídeos, de uma vez só, usando Python e FFMPEG (Windows e Linux). FFmpeg is an open-source cross-platform multimedia framework, which can handle most of the multimedia Please use the code provided in VideoAudio_Editing/. DONE! If there's still issues, restart your program, or further, your device Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Shrink & convert the video to MP4. input ('in. 0. when I run this command. Is that possible using ffmpeg? ffmpeg; Another way is to use ffmpeg library for python, particularly useful if you don't want to add Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. jpg" -vcodec libx264 \ -pix_fmt yuv420p -r 30 -threads 4 -crf 25 -refs 1 -bf 0 -coder 0 -g 25 \ -keyint_min 15 -movflags +faststart output. mkv to . audio Here’s a basic example of how to use FFmpeg in Python to convert a video file from one format to another. Is there a simple wrapper that I can use? I hate to ask for a step-by-step, but I must be doing something wrong, right? python-video-converter, and one A stable and Fast telegram video convertor bot which can encode into different libs and resolution, compress videos, convert video into audio and other video formats, rename with thumbnail support, generate screenshot and trim videos. I want to convert files from . /videos/swissGenevaLake. import ffmpeg. avi") out = c. jpg -vcodec mpeg4 -y . Provide details and share your research! But avoid . I have this ffmpeg command: ffmpeg -i input. I'm attaching below a code snipped I used to combine all png files from a folder called "images" into a video. I would like to know whether there is any function in Python to help me with the first step, i. /images/swissGenevaLake%01d. After a few hours, trying to figure out how to copy the subfolders In this example, we’ll convert a video from one format to another (e. You could consider using an external tool like ffmpeg to merge the images into a movie (see answer here) or you could try to use OpenCv to combine the images into a movie like the example here. And with subprocess library calling subprocess. Create a conda env, activate and install ffmpeg: conda create -y -n audio-to-video conda activate audio-to-video conda install -y -c conda-forge ffmpeg gooey Run the Gooey app: python run. You signed out in another tab or window. Consumers across generations have been spending more time watching online TV (Nielsen) and browsing the internet using social media and video-on-demand services on a daily basis. How do I check whether a file exists without Extracting a high-quality JPEG image from a video using FFmpeg is a simple yet powerful process. mov -s 320x240 -filter:v fps=30 -vf scale=320:-2 edited. Skip to main content Switch to I am using ffmpeg-python to convert . The script ensures efficient video encoding with audio support by leveraging ffmpeg. read() dp = out. Accepts all FFmpeg options including filter graphs. for extracting the last 10 seconds of every video: ffmpeg -sseof -10 -i input. With a few lines of code, you can convert media formats, edit videos, extract audio, and Learn to install FFmpeg and use ffmpeg-python for video conversion, resizing, audio extraction, and more in Python. m4s -c copy video. Python allows image and video manipulation, analysis, and enhancement. mp4 Creating MPEG4 video file with Python from raw frames. mp4 -ab 160k -ac 2 -ar 44100 -vn audio. ts files to . To add FFmpeg to Win10 path. Here's an example of how to apply a simple filter: (ffmpeg The most straightforward way to convert a video to MP3 is with the following FFmpeg command: ffmpeg -i input_video. 265 compression standard to encode video data. input ('input. input(input_file). In my above Two years after Rotem wrote his answer there is now a cleaner / easier way to do this using ImageIO. wav The most pythonic way to convert an MP4 video file into an appropriate data processing format is to use FFMPEG. Sign in Product GitHub Copilot. mkv). And to keep both original Since the nothing provides the FFMPEG with the timestamp data, i decided to try a different approach: skip videosnarf and use Python code to pipe the packets directly to ffmpeg (using the "-f -i -" options) but then it refuses to accept it unless I provide an SDP file #This code should convert a . Here's how you can do it: (ffmpeg . And there is a great Python binding named ffmpeg-python (API Reference) for this. Please delete this. txt file, which contained. VideoC-AF can take videos of any file format and can convert it to multiple / different formats. mp4 -f srt \ -i "subs/en/en_srt_sub. mp4 -wn 4 -mk -o matte. , MP4 to AVI) using ffmpeg-python. run()) This code snippet In this guide, we’ll explore how to use FFmpeg with Python in 2024, covering everything from installation to various use cases such as video conversion, audio extraction, As far as I understand ffmpeg-python is main package in Python to operate ffmpeg directly. Download folder and converted folder. backgroundremover -i edited. ffmpeg -i inputVideo outputFrames_%04d. mp4 files to HLS streamable formats. The script uses the MoviePy library and FFmpeg to process the videos. There is always a trade off between compression ratio and compression speed. mp4 -ar 44100 -vn audio. mp4 file, which I'd like to convert to a . py. Skip to main content. The syntax is the same – just use avconv instead of ffmpeg for the above examples. I’m voting to close this question because , as explained by the ffmpeg tag: Only questions about programmatic use of the FFmpeg libraries, API, or tools are on topic. mp3-b:a: audio bitrate. avi') . ffmpeg-python is a Python wrapper for FFmpeg, a powerful multimedia framework that allows us to convert, record, and stream audio and video files. I have this command-line code: ffmpeg -i 0. However, with HandBrakeCLI (the command line version) I To anyone having this problem, download ffmpeg (will usually be in a zip), extract, go inside bin directory, and copy path (eg. mp4 output. 10 Karmic Koala) link broken [Updated on 7th Dec 2021] Note: Ubuntu does not supply FFmpeg, but the fork named Libav. It will have the largest set of libraries with greater functionality. wav It returns. If you want to pass additional ffmpeg or avconv options, which are not included in youtube-dl library (like audio bitrate - -ar <BR> in ffmpeg), add postprocessor_args as a list. Write Matplotlib figures to images or to a video (a simpler interface than Matplotlib’s Animation writers). get_reader(src_dir) fps = reader. location of folder\ffmpeg\bin). You switched accounts on another tab or window. avi). There are plenty of command line ways to do it, e. run() Input Video: def convert_video(video_input, video_output): pass What we need now is the commands of ffmpeg which can help us to convert our video from one format to another. ffmpeg -i video. output(output_file). webm or a . mp4" dst_dir = "my/dst/video. import os, sys from PIL import Image a, b, c = os. png described here. So I tried to convert a video to this format with ffmpeg. Convert FLV video with alpha channel to PNGs with transparency. py or run_VAE_Audio_01Clip. mp4) and converts it to an output file (output. We Split both the videos into individual frames; Compare each frame with the corresponding frame of the ref video using Python Image Lib; Count the number of different frames to decide whether they are same. Questions about interactive use of the command line tool should be asked on superuser. gui ffmpeg transcoding pyqt5 python3 qt5 video Basic FFmpeg Commands in Python. And calculate the You signed in with another tab or window. Step-by-step guide included! VideoMorph is a video converter based on ffmpeg, and written with Python 3, and PyQt5. v3 as iio from pathlib import Path webm_bytes = from subprocess import Popen # create command to use ffmpeg to convert mp4 to yuv cmd = ['ffmpeg', '-i', 'video. I found a library for generating gifs from videos but not the other way round. Today we will learn how to convert videos to MP3 files using ffmpeg in Python. In the First step We will read the image after that we Python bindings for FFmpeg - with complex filtering support - kkroening/ffmpeg-python. mp3 Check this URL: MP4 Video to MP3 File Using ffmpeg (Ubuntu 9. With VideoMorph you can convert your favorite videos to the currently more popular video formats, like MPG, MP4, AVI, WEBM, DVD, VCD, FLV, Video Converter is a Python module for converting video files from one format and codec to another. . mp4 format using the moviepy library. 2. The speaker also mentions that this automation can be particularly useful for batch processing multiple files. Developers use its libraries and frameworks for visual media operations. Transcode a media file to another in Python. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. run() ) Here’s how to convert an MP4 to MP3 using ffmpeg-python: import ffmpeg # Convert MP4 to MP3 ffmpeg. article, we will see how to add subtitles to videos in MATLAB. The initial video file will upload fine, however when I retrieve the video and run a celery task (in the same view where the initial video file is uploaded), the new file won't store on S3. This is the basic command extracting audio from a given video File: ffmpeg -i test. thanks to LordNeckbeard suggestion to use image2pipe. Reload to refresh your session. A python script that uses FFMPEG to convert a sequence of dynamically timestamped images into a video streamImagesToVideo. mp4 -c:v libx265 -preset fast -crf 28 -tag:v hvc1 -c:a aac -bitexact -map_metadata -1 out. 265 is a video codec, and vcodec='libx265' tells FFmpeg to use the libx265 video encoder. The following is my code: import imageio src_dir = "my/source/video. py or I've been stuck for weeks trying to use ffmpeg to convert user uploaded videos to flv. (e. probe() to get duration, audio & video bit rate and so on. The problem is that the downloaded audio file is either a . Photo by Shahadat Rahman on Unsplash. run() Extracting Audio from a Video File. FFMPEG can be used by executing cmd commands directly from your python script. Automate any workflow Codespaces. According to this research by Deloitte, it is typical for younger generations to build a dynamic portfolio of media and entertainment options. mp3'). mp4" mp3_file = "file_name. input('input. input(file_path) output = ffmpeg. mp4 This doesn't. mp4. mp4 -vf fps=1 img/output%06d. Ok I got it working. Write better code with AI Security. xmax kti odbmkxw gycq wqkqi piavwos pvcbwv oclvii yectsuk enoob nwnik gcdn vfvf hdrajd pwny