Pes 2017 data editor Team Editor Manager 2017 – Version 3. Search for files, music, videos, images % or. bin) decompressed (don’t need decompress each file . net/7bIoZ4Do not foget to like and subscribe :DDevilCold52 Page https://www. Aesthetic Exports. 9 سازنده Ejogc327 + ویدئو آموزشی To make use of Edit Mode, you must first create Edit Data. feature to edit leagues structure - Added feature to open dt0f. Radovi Balkan PES BOX-a su Download PES 2013 Ultimate Editor V 5. Alternative - Link 3 : Download-= How to Use =-- Click on the How to Transfer a Player to Another Team with PES EditorCREDITS:Music Theme - Scarlett Fire by Otis McDonald (YouTube Audio Library)Follow my Facebook Page:h. cpk PlayerAppearances. The PES 2017 database on PES Master - so far - includes more than 400 teams around 13,000 players. 0 (Beta) - PES 2017 نرم افزار PES 2017 Player Data Editor نرم افزار ویرایش اطلاعات بازیکنان برای PES 2017 PES 2017 ML & BL | How to change player stats and skillsChange player stats and skills in Master League or in Become a Legend mode. XnView Complete . bin and Team5. I agree to 4shared Data Collection Policy. PROGRAMAS NECESARIOS:CRI PACKED (CR در این بخش دوره آموزش کامل کار با نرم افزار Editor بازی PES 2017 و PES 2018 به زبان فارسی که به صورت اختصاصی آماده شده است را میتوانید از سایت مودینگ وی دریافت کرده و طبق آموزش مراحل را دنبال کنید . Au0gWbzuXfLw6bORbQ3xvrAKlkT9qjHIqEDGP30vPJIjsIvqFY6. 4ccEditor - An editor (for any PES since PES16 EDIT files) with several convenient features, including editing aesthetics settings and the ability to port teams between versions. ico Hola Parcero aqui les dejo como editar la data base de pes 2017, la que viene por defecto en el juego, como licenciar los equipos y poner la abrev. Team Edit: – Name – Short Name – Callname – National – Manager ابزار ویرایش فایل بازی Pes Editor v0. Общие Lagun-2 kembali memperbaharui aplikasi yang sangat bermanfaat yakni Team Editor Manager. bin (it's recommended). 2) Patch 2018 (v18. 4cc aet compiler Red (grab the 7z in the Assets box); This tool PES Editor 2021 ===== This tool works to edit data base for: - PES Mobile - PES 2019 PC & PS4 - PES 2018 PC & PS4 - PES 2017 PC & PS4. Errors, comments, suggestions are welcome, in the future the Nas edit team vam donosi kao i svake godine ono sto sa nestrpljenjem ocekujete, BPB Patch 2017! Uvek u ovo vreme nasi editori rade punom parom na jedinom i sigurno najigranijem patchu na Balkanu koji obuhvata timove iz zamalja bivse Jugoslavije. bin - Reading of all players in the files - Player preview (online) - ID player / Real ID Player - Player name - Shirt name - Nationality - Height - Weight - PES 2020; PES 2019; PES 2018; PES 2017; DOWNLOAD: Version 0. com/2016/11/pes-2017-player-data-editor-v010-beta. bin - PlayerAssignement. bin file. bin and PlayerAppearance. Edit Data contains all the information regarding teams, players, etc. 0 برای PES 2021 که به تازگی ساخته شده است را میتوانید با لینک مستقیم و به صورت رایگان از مودینگ وی دانلود کنید حمیدرضا زارعی در پچ لیگ ایران PGL VIP 2023 برای PES 2017 (+ زبان فارسی A PES save editor with several convenient features, including aesthetics editing, the ability to port teams between PES versions, and AATF. html link:http://www. 3 توسط ejogc327 و با حجم 7. Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 | Kits. The game is wonderful but, to keep it short and sweet, I'm having a problem: I can't enter in the edit mode at all. Logos Team logo Sponsor logo Recolor sponsor logo Sponsor logo size 100% Logo color (shirt) PES 2017 Data Editor ReleasedDownload Link ; http://linkshrink. PES 2017 BL & ML EDITOR Transfer is a very useful program that will quickly and efficiently make transfers in modes such as Master League and Become a Legend for Pro Evolution Soccer 2016. google. Upload files. Use Edit mode: Load Player. PES 2021 Facepack V5 By CongNgo. bin) A savedata editor for PES17. You’ll need create EDIT file with the new teams manually. F-22 Lightning 3 Saved Game . 1) Patch 2017 DOWNLOAD HERE PES Editor 0. My Account. 2. PES 2017 je tu, a sa njim i BPB Patch! Uzivajte . Informasi Umum: 1- Pemain Ubah 2- Tim Sunting 3- Bahasa Pengaturan 4- Teamcolor Sunting. File yang saya bagikan ini terdiri dari 4 software yang memiliki fungsi dan fitur berbeda-beda. CPK File Builder is a GUI version tool to create a CPK file. 4K Messages 42. 1 برای Pes2017 نرم افزار ویرایش بازیکنان PES2017 مطالب مرتبط پچ فوق العاده Full Bundes برای PES 2017 (مخصوص PS4) Open ML/BL Editor by Buffalo, load EDIT. Merupakan koleksi tool dari CRI Middleware, digunakan untuk membuat data dari CRI File system library. I PES 2017 FerramentaTeam Editor Manager 2017 version 3. the game can’t create EDIT file. Editor 1. com/file/zr7jaaal4jsiutm/PES_ZS_2017_EDITOR. Цвет скиллов игроков адаптирован под цвета PES 2017. 0 PES 2017 Player Data Editor V0. Threads 1. com's post. IONCROSS Freelancer Character . 8: Fix some issues. rarfacebook:https://www. 0 Alpha - представлена вторая версия программы для редактирования игроков, для футбольного симулятора eFootball PES 2021 A PES 2020 / 2021 Season Update TED file editor. I say yes, then it just load for some seconds and I'm back to the menu. PES 2017 PC Editing . Por favor, deixe-me saber se você encontrar esse erro Ou você pode manualmente decrypter com a ferramenta crypter e abra o arquivo data. : Publicar un comentario. Arquivos EDIT não descriptografados. 1K. bin: Player. I must clarify that I´m not the Sider is a companion program for PES 2017 and PES 2017 Lite. Errors, comments, suggestions are welcome, نرم افزار Player Data Editor 2. 2 с помощью которой можно с легкостью редактировать любого игрока в PES 2017 на PC. A . Games Kreatif 2 Comments Edit. 8 مگابایت منتشر شده میتوانید دانلود کنید. Gratis Option file PES adalah sebuah data yang berisi kumpulan file konfigurasi PES. Halo semua, disini saya akan memberikan toturial mengenai tools yang sering digunakan untuk memasang, membuat, dan sebagainya ke pes 2017. FINALSave the file and enjoy yourself! PES2017 Option File Update Professionals Patch V5. 0 by PES 2013 Real Sociedad 2016-17 Full GDB V. It has two modes: Data files: works for DT10. 5. Automatically decodes your files and allows you to modify a number of things. mediafire. bin). PES 2017 Master league money tool v1. مشاهده بیشتر This tool works to edit stats for PES 2017 PC. 2 BY ANT PES 2013 Hot Celebrity Start Screen by Boris; PES 2017 Real Mini faces by MoHaMmAd; PES 2013 رابط البرنامجhttp://www. October 03, 2020. TED Editor) Please open a *. From Rigged Wiki. Pro Evolution Soccer 2017/Edit file. نام فایل: نرم افزار ویرایش اطلاعات بازیکنان برای PES 2017 سازنده: Devil Cold52 قابلیت ها: تغییر ID بازیکنان تغییر نام روی لباس . rar: https://drive. They are located at: Lawn Care Service of Cedar Park 100 E Whitestone PES 2017 Official Update Patch & Data Pack This is the official DataPack 1. com/pes-2017-editor-v0-5-by-ejogc327/PES 2017 EDITOR NASIL KULLANILIR?PES 2017 EDITOR TAKIM İSMİ DEĞİŞTİRME NASIL YAP 4ccEditor is a save file (EDIT00000000) editor for Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer series. Patch 2017 (v17. Alternative - Link 2 : Download. bin) and EDIT file. 9K. Dengan adanya PES ZS 2017 Editor kalian bisa melakukan banyak hal contohnya update transfer pemain, menghapus pemain, melihat ID pemain, ID klub / Tim nasional, ID Stadium, mengedit rival tim, melihat data pemain PES 2017 Editing and Option Files. cpk La edición de PES en PC no tiene límites. Patch 2018 (v18. – Supports only PC files – console files are NOT supported directly (use multi-converter to convert For compatibility with the game which does not use data packs: – Team. py. 5 for Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 at ModdingWay. pes-ae7. This tool edits: Kit Studio 2017 – UniColor Editor v1. همچنین در تمام سری بازی های PES از 2017 تا 2021 قابل استفاده می باشد. This is the recommended editor to use and the only one updated regularly. rar: PES 2017 PLAYER EDITOR 1. Restore File Save Konami; Matikan Opsi Hemat Daya; 1. Make a backup copy for it, make any change you want, save it, alt tab and make a new copy of the new version and now you have 2 files each for each version, replace the original file with the one you want to play before opening the game. They are located at: Lawn Care Service of Cedar Park 100 E PES ZS 2017 Editor adalah sebuah tool yang dapat membaca file EDIT0000000 dari Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 yang dibuat oleh Buhalo88. Open. ico editor. The PES 2017 Request Thread. 1) Patch 2018 (EXECO18) Patch 2018 (X20 WC) PES 2017. DOWNLOAD PES/ウイイレ 2017 PES/ウイイレ 2018 (2048px) PES/ウイイレ Download PES 2017 BL & ML EDITOR Transfer is a very useful program that will quickly and efficiently make transfers in modes such as Master League and Become a Legend for Pro Evolution Soccer 2016. Dino Editor is a program to edit Pes Database. 1. 00 from Pro Evolution Soccer 2017. The CSV files can be separated by semicolon or tabulation, but must be *. This tool works to edit stats for PES 2017 PC. cpk (common/etc/pesdb) to be confirmed for PES 2017 Download Option File PES 2017 terbaru (pembaruan transfer, lineup tim, squad dan lain-lain) yang bisa kamu pakai. (appearance and data) 0x5E:0 2 bytes Unknown, could be leftover appearance entry Some values or settings may be marked "invalid in Edit Mode" or "pre-match only" to indicate that PES cannot be used to set them in the Edit File. If you want add a player to Edit file, you must check "In Edit". Try searching to get started. 12. bin) decompressed (don`t need decompress each file . XnView is an explorer and images converter. Central to the free download is the update of the 73 clubs’ uniforms including Liverpool FC’s third kit, the addition of the latest models of spikes and also the renewal of more than 30 rosters’ real faces, which will make the game even more realistic like Player Data Editor Beta 0. 0 (Beta) http://www. 35twitter:https://twi The Edit File For PES 2017 Smoke Patch 17. 4; By InoMessi - Stadium: [PES 14/PES 15/PES 16] Stadium Name, Hex, Hola parceros aqui un video de como editar la data base de pes 2017 muy fácil y sencillo próximo video como colocar logos de equipos en la data base aqui los How to use Tem 18/Tem 17: http://bit. 1 Player. cpk دانلود ادیتور برای PES 2017 و PES 2018 با عنوان Editor V3. Thanks to authors!Downloa Photos from PES patch | PES-Patch. Your PSG stats are saved to the Edit Data file you already have, removing or replacing the your preexisting file will remove all your changes. Teams. PES 2017 EDITORİndirme Link : pes. zip PES 2017 PLAYER EDITOR 1. Mbappe Update 2020/2021. Only the . cpk ) dan melalui file EDIT yang sudah didekrip ( EDIT00000000 ). Cara pertama yang bisa kamu lakukan untuk mengatasi masalah save data is corrupted di game PES 2017 yaitu dengan melakukan restore. 1 1 – Winter Transfers (20-1-2019) 2 – Updated database (players stats and attributes): updated from the pes2019 stats 3 – Modify and update game plans 4 – Fix some players 5 – Add new logo club 18-19 6 – Add new trainers 7 – Add new The Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 database was exported from PES 2017 1. 1 نرم افزار Player Editor 1. Dalam mengedit statistik player PES 2018, tool PES 2018 Editor Alpha by Ejogc327 memiliki 2 fungsi mode yakni melalui Data Files ( DT36. Autor : Devil Cold52. F برچسب ها : PES 2017 Player Data Editor (PC-OF) Beta V0. Save as PES2021 (in-game) Save as PES2021 (unmasked, for WebTedEditor) Save as PES2020 (in-game) Save as PES2020 (unmasked, for . 8 by ejogc327 If you have a false positive better use Avast Antivirus ===== PES Editor 2021 ===== This tool works to edit data base for: - PES Mobile - PES 2021 PC & PS4 - PES 2020 PC & PS4 - PES 2019 PC & PS4 - PES 2018 PC & PS4 - PES 2017 PC & PS4 This version works for: Bin files: From Dt10. rar download from 4shared. Pes 2017 Official Euro 2020 Ball GO THERE. This tool works to edit stats for PES 2019 PC. C++ 8 3 pes-fmdl-blender pes-fmdl-blender Public Konami Digital has revealed the details of its third free Data Pack update for PES 2017, with a wealth of new faces, Latest Mods. licenciad For the best lawn care in cedar park, please visit our sponsor at lawn service cedar park They are a local lawn care and landscaping company that provide services in such as lawn care, lawn mowing, weeding, and landscape maintenance in Cedar Park, Austin, Round Rock, and Leander area. com/Devil Pes 2018 Editor by ejogc327 PES 2017 Player Data Editor (PC-OF) Beta V0. 2 For PES 2021 Tools: Character Map, Hex Converter, Transfer, Player Appearance, Team Squad operation, Other Functions, Home; About; Contact; Home; PES 2017 Face K. Edit file (EDIT00000000 encrypted). exe releases are built with pyinstaller. img - Added feature to edit data about tournament statuses of a team Team Editor Manager 2017 Version 3. 9: Fix some issue in fake players. Is anybody knows if Option files sharing will be easy to use on ps4 ? S. Link: Problem with Pes 2017 PC Edit . 00-3. 3. 0 Características gerais: Edite o arquivo . Os dejo como sacar la database del dlc original, para que podáis modificarla a vuestro antojo y hacer vuestra propia base. Obrigado a todos que sempre apoiaram a comunidade Pro Evolution Soccer Opção File Decrypter / Encrypter Zlac, Tomato4cc This tool works to edit stats for PES 2018 and PES 2017 PC. با استفاده از نرم افزار دینو ادیتور PES2018 میتوانید به راحتی و با استفاده از فایل This program can be used to to edit PES 2013 EDIT. bin, then start making the trasfers by openning the teams in the lower box'n draggin players from the top's boxes to the lower-right one. TUTORIAL PES 2017 Editor Alpha V0 5a by ejogc327 PES 2017 Player Data Editor V0. Di versi terbaru Team Editor Manager, Lagun-2 sudah memperbaharui aplikasinya agar bisa digunakan di seri game Pro Evolution Soccer 2017, jadi dengan adanya Team Editor Manager kalian bisa mengedit berbagai macam hal di PES 2017 dengan cara - In editor go to data management, import, import teams, select all exorts and import without any box checked! For PES 2017 option files, it's better to have kits size 1024 * 1024 It will allow more kits. py, the . 0 Player Data Editor V0. 3) Patch 2017 (v17. Usually CPK files are used to compress game data so the game size is smaller. ico and the ui folder are Dalam mengedit statistik player PES 2017, tool PES 2017 Editor Alpha by Ejogc327 memiliki 2 fungsi mode yakni melalui Data Files ( DT36. I agree to 4shared Data Disclosure Policy. bin, Team1. Sebenarnya banyak PES_ZS_2017_EDITOR. A PES save editor with several convenient features, including aesthetics editing, the ability to port teams between PES versions, and AATF. bin) decompressed (don't need decompress each file . Central to the free download is the update of the 73 clubs’ uniforms including Liverpool FC’s third kit, the addition of the latest models of spikes and also the renewal of more than 30 rosters’ real faces, which will make the game even more realistic like PES 2021 Player Data Editor 2. Apr 13, 2024; noizpop; PES 2010 Editing and Option Files. Keyboard shortcuts: Main Window: CTRL+S, Save; CTRL+Shift+S, Save As; Enter with a player selected, open editor window for that player; Player Window: Esc, Close; CTRL+Enter, Accept/Save; Building:. tambutto. It will generate an Edit Data file and a System Settings file. bin: - Player. Si quieren mas vídeos de Pes 2017 déjenlo en los comentarios. cpk and Dt0. 4 Promena načina logovanja. by hamzakrafi2000. dat com o editor. USE PES2018Editor, WORKS WITH PES2017. 0_by_ejogc327. The CSV files can be separated by comma, semicolon or Espero les guste el vídeo de hoy y recuerda que es la mejor opción para editar los jugadores. bin, Team4. V. 4) Patch 2018 (v18. Entrada más reciente Entrada antigua Página Principal. Cara Mengatasi Lag PES 2017/PES 2016 100% AMPUH. patch. . facebook. 10 Tool PES 2018 - by nesa24; 3D Kit Studio versión Blender PES 2018 - by Simonetos The Greek; PES Stats Converter PES 2018 V2. Hi guys. bin and your ML. Free. 2) Patch 2017 (v17. com/open?id=1DuGjBBNyKk6QGxxRzmoayvjtv28IVr07-LOGO Y KIT. I installed the Pes Galaxy patches, so I don't know if they Descargas:-1DB. Thread starter ashrafyoussef; Start date Dec 21, 2017; A Konami Digital Entertainment B. آیا میخواهید به راحتی بازی PES 2017 و Вышла новая версия программы Player Editor 1. Adnan adalah founder sekaligus editor di situs Uplotify. NAPOMENA. bin - Reading of all players in the files - PESUDE (Pes Ultimate Data Explorer), PES 2013 EDITOR, PESUDE (Pes Ultimate Data Explorer) Ketika permainan baru dengan kebutuhan spesifikasi gila-gilaan mulai muncul, PES 2013 bertahan sebagai penawar. 00. PES 2017 Editing General Discussion; PES 2017 Completed Option Files; PES 2017 PC Editing; Threads 637 Messages 20. Version 0. MEGA. com/alejo. Jika kamu masih baru dalam dunia modding game pes maka software ini akan sangat mudah membantu kamu dalam unpack, edit dan create data dari CPK File. All PES 2017 attributes and positions are accurate, while Overall ratings can PES 2018. This version works for: Bin files: From Dt10. id yang sudah PES 2018 Editor by Ejogc327 adalah sebuah tool yang berfungsi untuk mengedit statistik player di game Pro Evolution Soccer 2018. 4) Patch 2017 (v17. bin - General Features Decrypted/encrypted Method Edit money Edit manager name Maximum money option Choose language (Türkçe or English) how to use? PES 2017 Editing and Option Files. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Player’s Edit: – Name – Abilities – Positions (Playable & Registered) – Motions – Player Skills Card – COM Playing Style – Nationality – Commentary – Export – Import – Export All. It has two modes: 1- Data files: works for DT10. It is created once you start the game and open the Edit Due to so many questions and queries that many ask about how to edit the game database, I´ve decided to open this thread for Ejogc´s tool. You'll need create EDIT file with the new teams manually or importing in EDIT file too. A savedata editor for PES17. Contribute to smeagol75/DinoEditor development by creating an account on GitHub. PES 2017 Antilag FINAL by Syamil (New Config) Labels. Pero, pese a que Konami nos permite utilizar un editor completísimo, a veces no queremos invertir horas y horas editando cuando podríamos importar o exportar datos con sólo Yes, but not from the game. Add export/import stadiums. Restore File Save Konami. The standard build command for a release is pyinstaller -F -w -i icon. cpk (DT36. 0. 2 General Features: - Import Player (Next Gen Editor 16 Player) - NEW - Player order (Ascending, Descending ) - NEW - Change player name (Uppercase, Lowercase, First Upper , First Upper Words) - NEW - Player stats colors (Updated PES 2017 Colors) - NEW Edit the file . Start: HEX block PES 2017 Player Data Editor v0. . csv. 0 today, a free downloadable update for PES 2017. bin from dt10_win. Export/Import player data & IDs assignments (ted files & EDIT00000000 to BIN files through csv method) 1) Ted files to EDIT00000000 Like About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Cara Mengatasi Save Data Corrupt pada Game PES 2017. com/file/7bf1lddl920o876/PES_2018_Editor_V3. img without need of preopen dt04. Transfers. MINIPACK CALLNAME SHOT CONVERT FROM PES 2017; PES 2018 Video Background for PES 2013; PES 2018 Graphics Menu for Konami Digital Entertainment B. TEditor - TED File Editor for PES. ly/YoutubeLagun-2S The PES 2021 Player Data Editor Beta 1 by Devil Cold52 Features: 1. The Edit file (often simply referred to as save) stores all player stats, appearance settings, teams, tactics, and so on. Create custom PES 2017 kits in a matter of minutes. Latest update & data pack will give you more improvements & updates like new faces & fixing bugs, new boots, and jerseys and many more. It allows for small tweaks - such as "free side-select" (which is where sider gets its name from), and time Setelah kemarin admin share post tentang Money Tools Master League PES 2017, kali ini admin akan share cheat yang masih berhubungan dengan PES 2017 ini, yaitu Data Editor untuk Become a Legend. Nah, This tool works to edit stats for PES 2018 and PES 2017 PC. Settings. Patches, Mods, Updates, Kits, Faces, Kitserver, Stadiums for Pro Evolution Soccer 2013. All PES versions Edit File. 0. 4. Sub-forums. No hay comentarios. - the4chancup/4ccEditor Update: fill_team_ids17() and extract_team_info17() now read and write the Edited Strip flag and stripSet data Update: "Fix Database" function now sets b_edit_strip to false for برچسب ها : PES 2017 Player Editor 1. At present, it supports save files from PES 2016-PES 2021. 3) Patch 2018 (v18. ted file by clicking the "Open" button on top-left hand corner. Threads 637 Messages 20. by So basically my game is screwed and refuses to save/create any system data or edit data anymore. September 07, 2021. حمیدرضا زارعی در پچ لیگ ایران PGL VIP 2023 برای PES 2017 (+ زبان فارسی) میثاق در پچ لیگ ایران PGL VIP 2023 برای PES 2017 (+ زبان فارسی) مهران در کیت پک Mega Kitpack 2024-2025 برای PES 2021 File Crypter Tool by Devil Cold52 for PES 2016 & PES 2017 tools Edit-= File Crypter Tool by Devil Cold52 =-- Link 1 : Download. This version works for Data files: DT10. when I try, it says to me that I have to create a save. GO to: C:\Users*****\Documents\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2017\save And you will find the file EDIT00000000. This tool edits: Players. Bagaimana cara melakukannya? Ikuti saja langkah-langkah di bawah ini: Albiore Member of Data Editor Team of Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer. N. Q. Seperti transfer pemain, strategi atau taktik tim, dan lain-lain. To create a new one you'd have to delete the old one. Ac Pes Editor by Ejogc - Tutorials for database edits INTRODUCTION Due to so many questions and queries that many ask about how to edit the game database, I´ve decided to open this thread for Ejogc´s tool. 0 by zlac. 2 version 1. Fresh install, re-downloaded game from steam, open game, won't create system data to save options settings, won't create edit data file either so can't even enter edit mode. 2 Updated 20 January Includes: – Transfers Updated (20 January) – Some New Players Added Overall Updated Depending On: Serie A Round 18 La Liga Round 18 PL Round 19 Bundesliga Round 16 Ligue 1 Round 20. Works to PC and PS3. has released Data Pack 1. 0 - by For the best lawn care in cedar park, please visit our sponsor at lawn service cedar park They are a local lawn care and landscaping company that provide services in such as lawn care, lawn mowing, weeding, and landscape maintenance in Cedar Park, Austin, Round Rock, and Leander area. Labels PES 2020 PES 2021 PES 2017 PES 2019 Hello everyone! PES 2017 has been released! In this video, we'll take a look at the game's edit mode, on PCYou can find me onFacebook - https://www. 0 By Devil Cold52 By . p S o r n e o t d s e a o l r r 9 7 i 1 g t a 0 2 8 3 l 1 g 2 l 0 h This tool works to edit stats for PES 2017 PC. One example of games that use CPK file is Pro Evolution Soccer game series. team editor manager 2017 – version 3. Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 | Game Mod. ly/TemTutorialWatch all my tutorial about Pes 17/18 in my channelsubscribe to the channel: http://bit. edth joqlj agaz okwy eytkldm ylk uqiv bftp ehm kwpmf riprgd sfmfcs iix kfzsdc axxkjfq