Magento 2 product image loading slow Create the following file in your theme: It may happen because of not using cache feature of magento. Magento2 multi-store is taking 25 seconds to load The product page is extremely slow We are Bitnami cloud image of Magento Does the server location affects the performance ?? Do I have to use a Load balancer?? I am using a built-in cache for Magento and flat category The store is in production mode all I have a magento 2. Make sure cache feature is enabled. Step 10: Optimize Images. 5. I flushed cache and now I get some images showing, others not. To reduce HTTP requests: Whether it be marketing banners, product images or logos, it is impossible to imagine a website without images. In the threshold range, products will still load without scrolling. Images taking forever to This is why I had to fix the Magento 2 image loader speed. you must modify the view. This continues for all categories. See attached screenshots How Magento 2 Lazy Load Works. Magento 2 Lazy Load is among the simplest ways to optimize your website page loading process. To optimize product images, employ Fastly image optimization, Magento 2 image optimization extensions, and lazy load. 4 days ! it is showing 56826 images. It would help if you reduced file sizes as much as possible. Learn how to install and configure the Magento 2 Lazy Load Extension. Magento 2 image sizes should be no more than 1920px high and 1200px wide. I would recommend using SEO Image ALT Tags extension to easily add ALT Text to product images. - mageplaza/magento-2-lazy-loading. But when user open the product details page in front end side it is loading very slow first time (approx 31 sec). I can't see any errors in firebug either. Defer offscreen images in Magento 2 to improve page load times and user experience with lazy loading extensions. You can get easy media_gallery data inside at loop by loading the full product model But it will take a lot of memory in this case. Product images do show on product page but not category pages. Follow edited Dec 11, 2018 at 10:09. Also CPU is much higher then with 2. 0. You can also implement lazy loading for faster page rendering, convert images to WebP format, and use critical CSS for prioritized loading. It can be enabled with Magento CLI only, We are having a Magento 2. Are you tired of slow-loading web pages driving your Magento 2 Lazy Loading extension allows speeding up the site load by showing the image only at the demanding time. High-quality images are essential for showcasing products, but they can significantly slow down your Magento 2 store if they aren’t optimised. I am using Magento 2. 10. Image Resizing and Compression: Magento usually generates different sizes of product images for Here is what I would do: Determine whether it's time to first byte (TTFB) that's slow or frontend browser rendering is slow. Backend Optimization Suite by PerfOpt focuses on enhancing the administrative side of Magento, making tasks like product updates, order processing Your product image is small and loaded right away. opening an item for changes and saving an item following editing. For that, I want to implement lazy loading. My store product page images load very slow in chrome browser and it load fast in Firefox. Use Backend model of media_gallery attribute & afterload of product Model. ; If Waiting for server response and Content Download is about a 1 second or so total then your problem is browser rendering. The most offending is the image loading, instead of loading the first image it loads a spinner. Lazy Load makes sure loading of only visible images and videos to visitors upon scrolling. x running on a different images, are they fast, you truly have no idea, Google goes nuts indexing and ranking although we do have 10,000s products which helps. According to the Chrome Network tab, banner/ajax/load/?sections hangs, I've seen myself for Your image carousel is being loaded with owl-lazy parameters. You have some JS errors on the page - Adding ALT text to 1000 products is not an easy job. Magento 2 WebP Image Converter by BSS Image of the Magento. Lazy Loading improves site performance and reduces bounce rate due to slow loading. You have to configure ALT Text structure using different attributes like product name, category name, etc. Remove the lazy load I've gone through every possible option within Magento and in the server to get the best possible speeds but the images on the site still load very slow. Various factors can contribute to slow page loads, such as unoptimized images, excessive HTTP requests, and inefficient server configurations. Now there is a lot of motion on this page and most of it does not do much good. Slow Magento stores irritate your buyers and negatively affect the conversion rate. If your Magento 2 site is loading slowly, Choose the right image file type: The image of the product should be in the 3 most common types, which are JPEG, GIF, and PNG. What is Lazy Load Products & Images? Lazy Load or on-demand loading is a technique used to optimize the online content on a website or a web app. You can easily find the View. Product images aren’t optimised. Loading of Images is taking too much time. Please try below things as well. Those simple products are showing in swatch so user need to select when open that configurable product. xml in a theme’s I have one Magento website with a few configurable products. Commented Mar 25, 2018 at 12:16. Modified 4 years, 10 months ago. What can I do to decrease page load time? Image Optimization & YSlow - on an average 56 percent of a website’s page weight is made up of images. Improve this question. Now there is a lot of motion on this page and most of Related: The best extension collection for Magento 2. If you guys have any Idea please share. Magento 2 remove duplicate product images streamlines your store's product management. My website product home, list and detail page initially takes time to 10-13 sec to page load but Why Magento 2 is Slow? Entropy is a fundamental law of the universe that dictates everything tends towards disorder and decay. It works across both desktop and mobile devices. 1 images in the product page, are loading very slow and also checkout step got so slow too. 8. There's an image optimizer that's always Follow my guide to the end and you’ll have a few ideas on how to improve Magento slow loading. But when Server and Hosting Issues: Slow image loading or timeouts could be related to server or hosting issues. But But users wont have that much patience to wait till the image load. Magento 2 flushes full page cache entries automatically. Install a Full Page Cache Warmer Plugin. I'm using Amazon AWS Instance with specs (2 CPU + 4 GB Ram). Most likely it's waiting for some other script to complete. Slow Magento Add to Cart: What Can Go Wrong. Don’t make Magento 2 images too large. Magento 2 Lazy Loading extension allows speeding up the site load by showing the image Main problem is TTFB(Time To First Byte), and I find connection between problem and product images in Magento. The default Magento 2 behavior for product images is to load a spinner, and then load all the images in the fotorama gallery. The problem may be not with the image but with JS controlling the loading graphics. also, switching to HTTP/2 with ALPN support will decrease the Here's a simple solution that will cause the product's base image to be displayed while the JS is loading. Most of them are simple products. I hope someone has a way to make magento 2 fast even when the cache is disabled. Due to that, Magento 2 supports Full Page Cache via Varnish natively. Here’s how to Stack Exchange Network. 2 EE nginx + varnish + cdn still site is loading very slow for the very first time when I flush the cache from terminal using command 'php bin/magento cache:flush' or from backend under cache management. But have many problem with import large product catalog to Magento (2. aren't loading. How to Magento 2 Enable JavaScript Bundling. I have an Nginx apache redis config. That solution works if the issue only occurs on custom pages products. Sometimes it can take minutes! It has always been slow. I have an external website with links to products. Magento2: slow loading after change less file. 2 images are loading very slow, especialy the first load. You may want to consider offloading the static contents like For this, the simplest thing you can try is to make sure you are on PHP 7. In short, more HTTP requests mean slow website loading. x running on images and also Magento 1. As a normal eCommerce page, it takes more than 3s to load a product page. My website is loading very slow. Exclude text by entering the the title or alt of the Image tag. Set Loading Point Go to <your magento 2 directory>/bin and run this command magento cache:enable. (post request to /rest/V1/products). Each new product, customer, and transaction adds more data to the system. Take note of the loading times of pages, how quickly images and content load, so does its database. However, many retailers using Magento 2 are struggling with their website’s slow load speed. Discover the common solutions and best practices for Magento 2 Lazy Load options. This results in the spinner being up until the dom loads, and js can take over and replace it. In this tutorial, we'll cover 4 different strategies to identify and remove these duplicates images. That's why it is slow. Which is why Magento will distort any image with dimensions over these numbers, and it’s hard to predict in what way exactly. Loading Type: There are 2 kinds of loading types: Icon and After an upgrade to 2. large as instance type and php v 7. Over time, this can result in a massive database with a complex which can lead to Magento 2 slow page load times, longer transaction processes, #1 Slow page load time or how to speed up Magento 2 store. Re: Product images keeps loading forever Are you using a custom theme? I think its the issue of custom theme where jQueryUI for the extended easing is not included not included or if it is added already then it's conflicting with other JS Why Is Magento 2 Slow? Magento 2 performance can be pretty slow, and make an instant difference to your site load speed. After adding some 20K products site become very slow and taking around 3 minutes to load. Analyze the generated reports to identify problems such as The feature integrates easily with Magento 2's native product image gallery system. Magento 2 remove duplicate product images improves speed and Solved: I have tried all of them on this page: Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. is this correct behaviour? The backend of Magento ranges between slow and super slow when editing. Internal csv import work fast, but I can't start him remote. It is specially designed for I have a website built on the top of magento 2, the problem is when I go to any of the catalog pages, the html takes significant time to load for the first time, as shown in the following screenshot: when I load the page for the second time the load time drop significantly So to show a simple product image, magento needs to load all that require js crap. Its aspect ratio will be 16:9. On your store site, there are tons of product images. CDN is also running. How to speed up (fist time) Lazy Loading improves site performance and reduces bounce rate due to slow loading. How can I improve my Google page speed score for Magento 2 websites? To improve your Google page speed score, you can enable built-in Magento caching. Upon loading a product detail page, we see the fotorama spinning icon and for some people, it takes extremely long before the image is shown. Our server hosted in Cloud4C cloud instance having 8GB ram. 000 product. Teja Bhagavan Kollepara. "the load times are slow", A Magento 2 extension for lazy loading images. Here are some After an ugrade from 2. Loading Threshold: This features supports you to choose the distance from the screen to the product image to get lazy loading processed. Choose lightweight themes Lazy Load extension by Amasty enhances your site’s loading speed by only loading product images as they come into view, optimizing both code and image for a seamless user experience. Excessive HTTP Requests. When I try to import any products by excel sheet, I see the CPU is using 50% and the Ram is using This tutorial will cover how to install and configure the Magento 2 Lazy Load Extension. . Manually or automatically convert files into cutting-edge image formats, reduce the size of images with compression, and consider progressive JPEGs. Instead, you can use an extension like Magento 2 WebP Images to convert images automatically or manually. See it live here. magento2; Share. Magento 2. Magento 2 image sizes and how it influences the site is a noteworthy aspect of enhancing page Large files cause your site to load slowly, and search engines despise slow sites. The issue with the page slow to fully open, It takes around 6 seconds to load the page image and the image flash at 6 seconds. We are using t2. You can allow users to view the images in a larger pop-up window or on another page Various Lazy Loading Effects. With Magento 2, you can perform lazy loading images to your store with extensions like Lazy Loading for Magento 2. main product image; Loading critical CSS is available since Magento 2. 7. So, if your Magento 2 site loading speed is slow, then follow these tips: 1. Magento2 theme settings not applied to websites. It makes even the fastest Magento 2 site seem slow. first by default one category and there products are displayed after that, rest category image and there products are displayed through lazy loading. Clicking on color swatch, images are not loading on product listing page in magento 2. Various events could trigger cleaning: content changes, inventory changes etc. Improve the load time of your Magento 2 categories pages by loading your images on demand with our Lazy Load Extension all products images on page load, which can lead to your site becoming extremely slow on mobile or other devices as your customer browser tries to download all images which they may not even view or see. The concept of Lazy Load is to defer the loading of unnecessary resources at page load time. Not Using Magento Image Optimization Features: Read also: How to import a product image from an URL in Magento 2? Magento-Specific Image Optimization Magento 2 is not a lightweight eCommerce platform. To implement it, install the Magento 2 Image Lazy Load Extension and configure it: composer require-commerce magento/product-community-edition --no-update composer update. What is the difference between PHP GD2 and ImageMagick? 3. In the frontend, Magento 2 loads all variations in a giant JSON object Basically, it is written as; 1:2, 4:6, etc. 3. I've flushed the catalog images cache but when I view a product page I can't see the product images and the description, reviews, etc. 0. to automatically add missing ALT Text to product images. If you are loading images by your custom extension, do not call image This is why I had to fix the Magento 2 image loader speed. To make magento fast, we need just one fix. I've gone through every possible option within Magento and in the server to get the best possible speeds Seriously you will not get it running because virtually nothing is built for it and you have to install manually, but we have both Magento 2. The Magento 2 Lazy Loading module offers transparent, blurred, and low-resolution diverse loading effects for Magento store admin to apply easily as per their choice. Each configurable product associated with minimum 12 simple products. Consider an example. My homepage consist of category image then 9 products related to that category. This is what it looks like in the Magento 2 Demo store. But without proper optimization, you can end up with a website that is a pain to use and an eyesore to look at. The Magento ecommerce platform has its own requirements regarding the size of photos for product images. xml file if you wish to update or resize product images in Magento 2. Magento 2 fast product images removes the loading image from product images. Visit Stack Exchange Magento 2. But for the site to work quickly, the owners must optimize their Magento 2 store. Open Developer tools in Google Chrome, click on Buy Now, wait for the checkout page to load and check Timing tab. Your logo should be in PNG or SVG format, while product images should be in JPEG or PNG; Don’t use HTML to handle large picture scaling; Use lazy loading. Problems: Pages take a long time to load > customers abandon their carts because of slow-loading pages > high bounce rates due to impatient users. Solved: I've see the other post related to this issue and have done the following: checked php_value memory_limit is 756M changed image attribute Those who works on Magento 2 may find its annoying that the product page image loader keeps loading till the whole image is fetched. Navigation Menu With this extension, the product images, banners, sliders will be loaded by demands. I'm new to magento 2 too. sc/tw0uwr). If your server has limited resources or your hosting plan is not suitable for the amount of images you have, it could lead to such problems. These HTTP requests bring in the images, scripts, and Whether it be marketing banners, product images or logos, it is impossible to imagine a website without images. I don't understand why it loads so slow. Large image files take longer to load, negatively impacting page speed and user experience. 3 on CentOS with 8GB RAM, SSD, 4 Core CPU approx 6,000 products each with 3 or more images. zargamtech5430. Some merchants asked to check how the React-Luma extension works with the popular but slow Magento 2 Porto Theme. However, sometimes you may need to re-create the product images cache after you import products, if images were resized manually in the cache, or if the cache was manually cleared by mistake. Any help will be appreciated Hi! I am develop integration with ERP. For example this is loading speed with and without images in product category: With: https: Slow loading with big amount of PHP generated images. For getting media_gallery attribute value without full Magento 2 is an e-commerce platform that is used by many website owners to build user-friendly web stores. Now its ready to go live but I have issues with slow page load. Also the product page from backend admin panel not at all loading. This resulted in a configurable product with over 1000 child products and whilst theoretically there is no limit to the amount of simple products in a configurable container product in practice, the way Magento 2 builds the frontend product can lead to very slow load times. Key Takeaways. Every time someone visits a page on your site, their browser sends multiple HTTP requests to download the various elements on the page. My Reference. 2 before you optimize anything else. Generally, product images are cached while saving the product from admin panel. 4 big benefits you get when activating Magento 2 Lazy Load are: Product images on your Magento 2 site only load as you scroll instead of loading the entire page from top to bottom like the default Magento does. x and Magento 2. This might slow down your Magento speed if these images are not optimized properly. The remaining ones will be loaded when users need it. I've had images populated on category and product pages for weeks. Since WebP is a relatively new technology, Magento doesn’t allow you to add images already in WebP format to Magento. Problem is when user is redirected from an external page to product page on Magento, for the first time it renders very, very slow. How does Magento 2 process & compress product images. 5s, but it is not as ideal as Google recommends. 4. Hi @isabelchuabf02,. Magento 2 Lazy Load is an extension that helps Magento websites delay the loading of off-screen images of the customer - magepow/magento-2-lazy-load. 4. Here is how to do it for disk storage. 3. 2. Even though the platform doesn’t cache Cart contents or Add to Cart, the uncached content should still load in less than 1 second. With lazy loading, images will be loaded at a later point in time as the user requests it, considerably reducing the time it needs to load a page without harming the user experience. In your case images not loading for whole website. My client's Magento site page load speed is very slow. Instead, it’s only loading the required section. Currently, the Webp image format is a format recommended by Google to use instead. Optimizing images is crucial to improving website performance by reducing page load times. Command usage: php < magento install dir > /bin/ magento catalog: images It does not matter how fast my cached static Magento 2 runs if the product image is not "instant". 3 instance and initially the site loading time is 5 to 7 seconds after creating some custom extensions. It was built to serve thousands of users at once. Plus, poor website speed is bad for your SEO Step 2: Enable all caches in Magento 2 store; Step 3: Enable Magento 2 flat catalog categories; Step 4: Minify CSS and JS in Magento 2; Step 5: Disable javascript bundling; Step 6: Upgrade the Magento version/ don’t miss Magento 2 updates; Step 7: Review and update the third-party Magento extension; Step 8: Disable/uninstall Magento 2 module More ways to fix the admin load slow issue in Magento 2: Server optimization; Using Flat Categories and Products; Image optimization; Compressing and ?ombining JavaScript and CSS; Apache file changes to enable compression; Fixing messy redirects; All this takes a lot of time, the process is technically difficult and some things require Lossy or lossless compression are the two methods for shrinking an image. Exclude text. Remove unused images from your Magento 2 category pages. Magento Lazy Image Loader. Managing duplicate product images can be a challenge for any online store. 3 intance with 277. This means that the entire page is being loaded first, then these images are being loaded afterwards. 5 on 4GB RAM 2 CORE CLOUD SERVER. When I try to import any products by excel Integrate Progressive Web App in Magento 2; Magento 2 image optimization; Enable Merge CSS, JavaScript in Magento 2; How to Optimize Magento 2 Performance. Hi. addAttributeToSelect('media_gallery') is not working as media_gallery will come from complicated logic. Your image carousel is being loaded with owl-lazy parameters. Magento 2 low image quality on products. How do I speed up my Magento 2 admin panel? I am new with Magento and have developed a website using CE 1. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 2 months ago. Always resize and compress images before uploading them to Magento. Defer Offscreen Images in Magento 2 with Lazy Loading. Ask Question Asked 5 years ago. Explore Magento 2 Lazy Load Extension benefits. For this reason, for stores running on Magento 2, slow loading speed can be a big problem. Both Magento 1. A surer way to optimize product images for Magento is to change the image format. Optimizing your product images can dramatically increase the speed of your pages as this decreases their download times. In Magento 2, image optimization involves compressing and resizing images without compromising quality. it has taken 2 days which is 48 hours to complete 50% so another 2 days are needed to complete the task. Like product images that are not in use, the extension prepares a list of all unused category images for you to either delete them permanently or just unlink them from the category. When user goes once again, request is much faster, probably because page is Regarding response time with Magento 2, the built-in cache is quite good, with approximately 0. Modified 6 years, 1 . It increases the average TTFB across the website. The result is often in the shape of slow loading speed and a bad user experience. The major issue many eCommerce stores are facing is the product image and the uploaded product images have separate aspect ratios. Though, your product image size is defined by CSS. 1 from composer metapackage. Slow Loading product page Image with magento 2. For your store to function well, you need the right optimization of back-end processes. Loader must be the same size as gallery" I found one problem which is when my product load than image shows first small and than big – Akbar Mo. These HTTP requests bring in the images, scripts, and stylesheets for your website. #2 Use WebP to speed up Magento 2. Viewed 165 times 1 It allows you to reduce the file size by 25-35%, retain image quality and improve Magento loading speed accordingly. When running this command bin/magento catalog:images:resize. Uploading Large Images: High-resolution images look great, but they’re a major culprit for slow load times. The page loading might feel slow to users. 8 to 2. Remove the lazy load parameters from the carousel by removing the class owl-lazy. Main Features of the Magento 2 Product Zoom Extension 1. 2. I've just switched the store I'm working on from using PHP GD2 to using imagemagick for the image processing. ) REST API Product create very slow - import one thousand products more 15 min. All its media files load on a page at one time; hence, it can make a site really slow. 1 via download / nginx / php7 / redis / varnish / mariadb Steps to reproduce Go to a product page with a smartphone There are other ways to load the product pictures first before calling a complex script which blocks the load of the first picture and just shows a spinner for several Product images loads too slow. Magento product page image load very slow on chrome browser. Clean the cache when you edit the frontend to see what you've edited. I've reindexed with no change. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. x Add to Cart can be slow. Skip to content. I fix it by turning off automatic cache clearing. Firstly, you need to enable full page cache (FPC) and set Varnish as your If a 50KB image is taking 2 to 8 seconds to load, it sounds like the server is slow in serving the static contents. Go to <your magento 2 directory>/bin and run this command magento cache:clean. New Contributor zargamtech5430. It offers capabilities such as image preloading for the first page view, WebP format image optimization, and reducing thumbnail sizes without quality loss. Image compression prevents slow loading times and improves performance. 1. There is a photo that is 1080 pixels wide and 1920 pixels high. New Contributor Mark as New; Bookmark; Report Inappropriate Content 06-13-2022 11:14 PM 06-13-2022 11:14 PM. Do you think it is so annoying if your customers need to browse through five similar pages at your website? You can use the Magento 2 Lazy Load extension as the fastest tool that saves both your time and effort. 5 I'm running Magento 2. When I see my website is slow, I check the CPU & Ram usage, I see the CPU is using 25% and the Ram is using 25% (Check this screenshot: https://prnt. ooiyu vcmu xmbrjl sszde eccabik kodda pkl rbsr imvkti vkdtowt udlspir oocp bmy tnfdmb juozd