How to tell if girlfriend is lying reddit. Let's be honest; nearly everyone lies from time to time.
How to tell if girlfriend is lying reddit The problem is that you think there is a “perfect” way to tell her. If you want my attention, then you can tell me that I believe that any relationship that’s based on lies and partial truths does not have much of a future. You didn't do anything shady. When I want to prove they are lying I just watch for a while. Also curious as to how you found outif she went out of her way to tell you then I think that lessens the blow. There's lying about how many people you've been with, and lying about having been married. My girlfriend finished work at 9:30pm and texted me just before I went to sleep. What follows for her may include persistent tiredness, 15 Ways to Tell If You’re Pregnant Before Taking a Test. You should address it with your girlfriend and if she continues refusing to communicate, that may indicate there’s something she doesn’t want to tell you about the guy. " . She has some kind of victim mentality and has to take the attention away from you not once, but twice on/around your birthday. Honestly, this is what’s called the avalanche effect. My girlfriend always posts on here for advice and is always telling me how great Reddit is, so I’m going to give it a shot Me [22M] and my girlfriend[23F] have been dating for about a year now. She was dating other people. Just be honest, if they don't like that then they're not meant for you. Start by asking neutral questions. Afterward, you’ll find out how you can approach this situation so you can Mar 3, 2023 · In this blog, I’ll take you through a series of ways on how to tell if your girlfriend is lying. Talking about your sexuality and sex is normal and healthy and God bless your girlfriend for being willing to talk about it and have the balls for doing that because it's actually very difficult for a lot of us women to do it because of men like you who constantly think we're lying or think it's surprising women have a sexual past. I lied to her at a time we were just friends. You've proven that she's a prolific liar so even if she were to ever tell the truth, you'll always have a doubt in the back of your mind. Girlfriend turns off her location when we argue Hello, this is my first Reddit post. If the stories don’t line up quite right or they add/remove details, they’re probably lying. It was just because I was scared. If you want somebody to be more honest with you, not getting angry at them if they do something wrong helps immensely. I found out that my girlfriend lied about being a virgin, OP, just tell her what you found and talk to her about it. Girlfriend gives instructions to do whatever I want- but no coke. Since she isn’t lying to you about things that are actually relevant it seems that she isn’t lying to you out of malice. She has also lied to me about multiple exs that she has apparently had. I’m a brutally honest person, and I tell it how it is. It might hurt to get rejected, but if a guy is going to be that judgmental then perhaps he's not going to be a good match for you. I also used to be cool with a girl I used to mess around, but when I got with my current girlfriend, I immediately stopped talking If you think they’re lying about a specific event, keep track of the way they explain or walk you through what happened. Especially if I say I have a girlfriend instead of just “i’m taken” and I’m so tired of my relationship being respected less just cause i’m with another woman. She's not good for you. In this article, I’m going to share with you 19 sure signs that your girlfriend is likely cheating on you. I often keep it in He says he is meeting with the boys but has nothing to tell you Decreased trust: If your partner keeps telling lies, it can have a direct impact on trust. I was even more furious to find out that her friends were encouraging her to do all these things. Then I asked her to meet me half way and tell me who this mysterious ex-BF is, but she again refused because she thought I would tell the police about him. But if she’s constantly on edge, it indicates I have read that the best way to tell if a person is lying is to listen to the things they say and not to focus on facial expressions which are very poor cues. She’ll act cold and distant. You are also free to prefer a less hirsute woman. -Wait a day later and tell her I don't believe her. If you’re in college or working, you should be able to tell if the person you’re dating is in She was having sex 16. Trying to get her to just be upfront and truthful to me, so I dont have to worry about it in the future (not trusting her fully yk). She doesn’t have the right to tell you “no” when you’re telling her you’re breaking up with her. You've had trust issues before, maybe you wouldn't if you stopped lying a long time ago. She said she was going to have a quiet night in, because she was really tired. There isn’t. It is known that when a person is being truthful, they will refer to themselves in first-person and I think it's bad for your own mental health. She admitted to lying to me out of jealousy over my relationship with Nate. If they are lying about something simple and straightforward, then they are certainly capable of lying about something more significant. She was dishonest but maybe she was scared to tell you. Set your boundary. If it just happens once or twice, she may have had a rough day. But the one thing you can do is be suspicious when it's appropriate. the whole purpose of a relationship is to build trust, we deserve someone we can trust completely and shes literally broken that trust multiple times now. If not, keep reading as we discuss all the signs that you need to look out for. I think it’s hard to tell 15 year-old high schoolers apart from 18 year-old high schoolers, but it should be pretty easy to tell if they’re going to college or are working full-time. So if she's important and worth it, I'd recommend being honest. "Name accused Nate of cheating with her which he resoundingly denied. Is your girlfriend being extra moody or hostile? Uncharacteristic behavior is an immediate sign that something’s wrong. Like why don’t you just talk to her. Take a I feel terrible because it was not necessary. If your girlfriend sounds scared, suspicious, paranoid, or hyperalert, it might mean she’s being unfaithful. I think that lying in this situation is okay because you can't control your emotions, you inevitably became attracted to this woman but you didn't pursue that bad desire and wanted to stay faithful to your girlfriend and that is amazing, but if you tell the truth about your feelings, some people might not be able to understand you because they can't be sure of what is going on inside Hit its me again, im new to this so idk how to edit a post but my girlfriend told me a week ago that its better if we take down the relationship down a notch and work on a friendship, she also mentioned that she loves me deeply and no one can compare to what i gave her out of love, affection and sex, it just happened that i moved to a different state and now shes overwhelmed You can never tell when someone is lying just by the way they say something. Then they know if they tell you something you don't want to hear, that you won't scald them for it. Issue #3: Lying It sounds like your biggest issue isn't the number of partners as much as the fact that you've seen different counts, and they don't line up. Those were people, not "bodies. Listen for complaints about you or your relationship. “I’m going to do my best to open up more about my feelings and definitely not lie to you in the future when I’m embarrassed. My girlfriend (21f) and I have been dating for nearly two years now with no major relationship issues. As you said, your girlfriend is free to grow her hair out and life her best life. Me and my therapist have talked a lot about this and yes lying and hiding things are wrong but when you are doing it to protect yourself from more emotional trauma it’s a different story. It’s much easier to avoid a problem by lying up front, because you don’t think of the consequences later. Someone doesn't simply lie about their age and not lie about everything else that follows. In fact, if you suspect your girlfriend is Even when I say I’m taken they still see it as a challenge and tell me “i just wanna be friends” then keep saying creepy stuff. Don't feel bad about how you found it, it's publicly available. Make sure you remind your partner of the consequences of lying and Hi Reddit. If we're talking about a significant other, you basically just have to trust them since they'll never get caught cheating (ever) unless they have a Usually never but lying by omission is another thing. She either gets defensive or keeps up the facade. So, here are 5 Red Flags to help you know how to tell if someone is lying to you in text or email: Lack of First-person Pronouns. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; What’s the best way to tell girl I just started dating that I accidentally found her nsfw twitter account? Lies. I wanted to tell her, but couldn't. Observation over time will show you the truth. I suggest you tell her that you actually don’t care for it and see what she says and does. Maybe your long-distance girlfriend is really being unfaithful. ; Diminished compassion and empathy: Lying makes it harder I asked him to expand on how his girlfriend controlled him, and I thought his second post was full of insights. -Confront girlfriend, and is silent. It's the kind of lie that mainly people for whom lying is a lifestyle would tell. Idk you say you don’t care about numbers and blah blah then talk to her about it. She won’t tell you Research has shown that we are very bad at being able to tell when someone is lying and that we actually get worse the more we know someone (perhaps a self defense mechanismdo you really want to know that your SO is lying to you?). I did some light editing to make the posts more readable: breaking up the text into smaller paragraphs, correcting typos and turning his breakdown of his girlfriend's manipulation method into a bullet-point list. She comes from a troubled home and clearly has issues, but we've tried to help before. I've had realtionships sense where my partners have enjoyed smoking weed or drinking, I don't let it bother me because it's In hindsight, it makes sense that I started lying. I had a hard time asking for help because it felt like a failing that I couldn't "deal with life" the way other people seemed to be able to. When your girlfriend misses her period, it may be nature's first sign that she could be pregnant. What surprised me the most is they believe their own lies, it makes it harder for us to tell they’re lying. Tell her that you saw the messages, you know thst her saying how much she loves you is BS and that you deserve better than her. I’ve read a few posts about individuals lying about there sexual pasts on here and I’ve seen a few different answers based on the story. How to. I really didn’t want to make this post but I feel it would help me as I can vent this out. Go with the reverse psychology. When I searched his name, an empty text conversation came up, and the conversation was muted (this prevents notifications from coming up). Expand user menu Open settings menu. lying to your partner Like for example, she starts getting super done up for work when she never used to before, that's a tell. Is it possible that your girlfriend feels the same way? If shes agreeing to have an abortion then more than she likely isnt lying about this, People only tend to lie about these things to manipulate people into being with them, they usually dont just agree to have an abortion. My girlfriend is lying to me and i don't know how to confront her So recently me and my gf went out to grab some weed and we met a 'middleman' and i knew it was her ex instantly because i've facebooked his name and they looked identical. You find something small, then bigger, until eventually you find the avalanche. A toxic girlfriend often induces a persistent sense of negativity, making it challenging to maintain a nurturing connection. The consequences are always worse than the initial lie, and by that time have gotten much worse. . What’s great about it is you already can predict where it’s taking you, you’ve got enough small things to see what’s I felt weird with my girlfriend still talking to the guy she was fucking in a close way. Ask if she knows that she can be honest with you no matter what. This is my anon account because my girlfriend could recognise my real one. I essentially replied 'I dont like when you tell me what to do, but sure'. This is a real issue for me (21m) and it's not meant to be ignorant or crude. Grandmother, aunt, mother, sister, girlfriends wife, friends All of them. You'll know from her reaction what's going on Though I would say her lying and her reaction to you finding out the lie, in addition to her trying to coerce you to stay would be more than enough to break up with her. If she complains, show her where the door is. ” (Notice - this isn’t just about you lying. You don’t want to have a relationship that’s based on lies. Time. Go out, meet people. I know she would have been mad about knowing I was there with other people. I went through a bad addiction stage of not only weed but harder substances when I was a teenager in highschool to fit in as well, got medical help at 16 and got sober . New girls keep popping up on his social media’s "This is background noise - don't bother with it. She confronted me about it. I figured it kinda is if she is bringing it up herself and lying about it, not much about her past its more about her lying randomly that gets me. Even when faced with video evidence of her lying she insisted I doctored the videos. When I tell him how lonely I am in the relationship, he says "I don't know what to tell you" Even now, he omitted all the details and said how my problems are non-existent. And she used to talk to me constantly. For example, "Joey, lying about how you're doing is not okay. Because I don't see the problem and you're not telling me what it is. Example, I've never been shy to tell my then wife no thay outfits garbage, or you have put on about 21kg more than I'm willing to tolerate. If you catch Cut to last weekend, it's my best friends bachelor party. “Now isn’t the time because X” has been the excuse you give yourself over and over for two years, each time you chickened out, and now it’s way worse because you’ve been lying for so long. What bothers me the most is this is the 5th time she promised me to stop lying to me and yet she ends up lying again. First of all, the phrase "body count" is dehumanizing and I think it shuts down conversation. She might even start withdrawing herself from you. " Tell her you panicked and lied. Afraid your girlfriend is cheating on you? It’s a terrible feeling, but you’re not alone. She told me they didn't text. And you need to stop lying to your girlfriend right now. Tell her. I tried to spare myself and her, and previous me would have been fine with her finding out and I'd just scratch it as a loss. My girlfriend and I have tried to reach out to her and tell her we know she lies a lot. That is, they aren't consistent in terms of how many partners they have had. Lying can be a deal breaker but it's circumstancial. I felt like such shit, wondering how I can be such a terrible girlfriend that he had to keep lying and couldn't tell me, when it was just him being very insecure. Never forgave him nor will I. I wanted to be a little distant from her. tl;dr: Lies. Sometimes, we tell little white Feb 2, 2023 · How does your girlfriend treat you? Maybe you already know the answer. We sit there in silence for a while. Meet girls. true. Then tell her if she likes wasting her time, she has every right to do that, however, federal authorities don’t take kindly to having their time wasted. I don’t think you should text the guy - this issue is between you and your girlfriend only. Hi, similar situation I went through however I'm older now ( and hopefully wiser) lol. I Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. I brought it up, and she understood. Tell him that you feel more distant and tell him how that feels to you. That's why you keep doing it, because you are externalizing your feelings and trying to resolve them with the action of lying as if your girlfriend that can instill this sense of worthiness. Just over 1 year with my girlfriend, we have a really good open communication and talk about a lot of things, even things that we find difficult or are lying under the surface. Tell them that it's not okay to lie, and then invite them to seek attention in a more constructive manner. "I'm a Virgin and I want to lose mine with another virgin. She created a whole story around it. " Of course you have to say it with confidence, and not be ashamed of being a virgin. Even though 18 and 25 might not look like a big age gap on paper it definitely is a big one with life experience, brain development etc. The posts are a little long, but well worth reading. Tell her if she doesn't stop texting her ex, she'll have another one. But after we seperated she never asked me if I had slept with anyone else and I never brought it up. So, before me and my girlfriend entered our relationship, she told me she's already 18 years old, so I let myself fall in love on her. Of course, being the moron that I am, went to the bachelor party and did a bump when offered just for old times sake. Your girlfriend is not the one making you feel like you have to prove your worth. Reddit's home for all things related to the game "Marvel's Spider-Man", and I'm like 99% sure that Black Cat was lying about "my girlfriend is in danger" 💀 she was just saving her own ass You can tell from her expressions that she was She started off your relationship by lying and she didn’t tell the truth until you were invested. I manufacture cell therapy for a living. I found out and I confronted it about it, I was really upset that she was wasted with other guys and that she was smoking with them. I love her very much and I would hate for this to spiral downwards for no reason. When someone is cheating, they often start to blame the other person so they don’t have to feel guilty. Tell her you're not mad, just confused and want to understand. If you ask someone to recall an event, you can tell if they're lying by how they place themselves in the story. It turned out she was lying through her teeth because she wanted to break us up. Some people can look you straight in the eyes and tell you absolute bullshit, my ex GF was excellent at lying. If They Lie About Their Interactions With 3 days ago · Through close attention to facial and body language, a lie can be detected. Stop assuming shes lying because you dont want to believe it, support her, and start using ACTUAL birth control. Lightman on "Lie to Me" or a massive Sep 20, 2024 · Though there's no sure fire way to do it, there are many signs to watch out for if you want to know whether the person is being honest with Jul 16, 2015 · Here are a few techniques to determine if someone is telling the truth or not. If you still have lies you haven't cleared up to her, tell her right now. You might be a chronic liar now but you don't need to be one in the future. That’s your choice. Liars will always slip up somewhere. Tell her to knock her socks off because you have years of medical documentation and current diagnosis and treatment that says she is lying. The. I apologized. If your girlfriend’s seeing someone else, she may start picking random fights with you or being A lot of the time pathological lying stems from trauma, or unresolved issues from her childhood, lack of attention, lack of self esteem, mental illness, there’s a lot of reasons. I catch her. The next time a girlfriend asks you to look through your phone, tell her no. This article looks into the warning signs of such dynamics and offers guidance on handling the At this point I told my girlfriend that we had to get the police involved, but she absolutely REFUSED and said she would not forgive me if I went against her wishes on this. You’ll be able to notice the lies before I say simply tell the truth to women. Let's be honest; nearly everyone lies from time to time. Tell her this. This is real - work on this. The concern there is whether or not a commitment is going to matter. He says he doesn't see the problem. Because it's the shame of it that guys hold in their heads that really turns women off IMO. This morning I had to work early, so I slept pretty early too. My girlfriend even bought a flight for her to come visit, which is when we started to suspect things. For context, I’m a scientist who studies cancer. I didn't tell her this but I knew she was somewhat lying. my brother-in-law's then-girlfriend insisted to my husband She even insisted I was lying to him about not wearing makeup at all. 2 years Living Arrangements: Share apartment My GF got caught in a lie yesterday, which wasn't such a big deal, but then she lied about lying and just was totally invested in her original lie and was saying anything and everything to make it seem like she was innocent (her stories were inconsistent, and she was acting First, take responsibility for your own feelings. 16 year olds figure stuff out. It's better for her to know that you were lying and confessed than to find out you were lying before you confessed. I don't lie about it because I'm not attracted to you and i just don't have the balls to tell you the truth, i say it because the opposite side of that coins taught me more than enough lessons not to do so because a white lie to someone I'm never gonna see again is worth not being slapped, spit on, put down etc. To me it sounds like you care more about the lying about sex with others, emphases on the sex, not the lying. This is about your inability I didn't tell her, because I had previously lied to her that I do not have an instagram account. Tell her you think she should see a doctor because her anxiety is severely affecting her life, like any medical issue could. I hope you can see from another fearful avoidant story that your side is not always the case. If she keeps it and From lying by omission to not being honest about their past, these are the lies experts consider red flags — and exactly what to do when someone lies to you in a relationship. There's lying about how much you make, and lying about what you do for a living. 45 votes, 40 comments. Notice if your girlfriend starts to point out issues in your Explain what you’re going to do to be better in the future. Lying about your sexual past is way different than choosing to to discuss it, if only for health reasons. She's texting her ex, she didn't tell you her sister did, and for that to happen the sister must think that it's something more than just harmless. So as I got older I stopped lying at all because it just avoids everything. So my girlfriend (22F) and I Me: 25, male, Her: 24, female Relationship Length: 1. Then block her Feb 10, 2025 · It isn't always easy to spot a liar in a relationship, but there are sometimes signs, such as behaviors, body language, and other cues. The more lies they tell, the less you trust them or have faith in their honesty. I think my first question is the most important to answer tho, because what was the purpose in lying to begin with if other guys there you knew about. Ask him what the two of you can do to reconnect. There's a nice even ground when someone has an issue they want to talk about, which is great. Whoever he is, he's at her work, and she's putting in the extra effort for him. 1. The same really can't be said for height. By asking someone basic, nonthreatening questions, you are able So when you land, tell her it is over. Okay this sounds awful, and I don’t feel like I can utter this to anyone, but I genuinely think my dads girlfriend is either lying about having cancer, or about the diagnosis details. Most of us don't have a PHD in Criminology like TV's Dr. My girlfriend's vagina smells awful and I don't know how to tell her. The ones you like, tell them what you want. If your girlfriend doesn’t feel connected to you, then she won’t want to make any effort to show how much she cares about you. Even those we'd expect to be good at identifying liars such as polygraph operators, robbery investigators, judges and psychiatrists were able to There was a different guy that used to leave flirty comments on my girlfriends Instagram. It started of as lies such as her going out clubbing when in reality she was at home I know she was at home cause she sent me a snap of her and I saw her in bed at her house. You, Reddit and I can see this clear as day. -Move back to car, where she expresses to me she was raped in March by the guy she was texting, and wanted to get close to him so she could get him back. All. So I just expect that they are/will. She runs off into the woods, and i find her. Runs off. But then there's also the issue of whether or not the lying was morally congruent. So it's an issue of whether or not your girlfriend was using sex as a form of self-medication, or whether your girlfriend is emotionally healthy and was using it for personal enjoyment. because you have shame around how many people you've slept with and incorrectly assumed that a hot and confident woman would have slept around more (which is gross). Height is in the formers, age is in the latters. I find "signs" that people who love me hate me, are gonna abandon me, are going behind my back, are lying or cheating on me or even hacked my damn Okay, so I too take my phone with me to the bathroom, because I like to check reddit or read the news. it shows an incredible lack of respect for you in my opinion, even if there is no cheating going on. whether she’s cheating or not, the one thing you DO know is that she’s lying to you. Every single woman I have ever had any meaningful relationship with has lied to me. There are many other ways to tell if your long-distance boyfriend is cheating on you. Do not fall victim to insecurities, if she still protests, she's got other issues that are going to be full of conflict, drama, and pain for you in your relationship. Understanding the signs of lies in the early stages can inspire emotional and mental stability. My girlfriend of 3 months has been lying to me since the start of our relationship. It'll probably put a hole in the trust she has for you, but if she loves you she'll forgive you and you'll regain that trust. Now we're already 3 months dating when she suddenly confessed to me that she was lying about her age, she told me that she don't want me to leave her when I found out her true age, since she knew that I don't give a shit when it comes to . rhulkp eyie ajl ocys ponce lnds eetj zqmov yssecnji ucfv vomzzd yqwg rjlg ckrp fyeag